/********************************* * * ReportViewer * ********************************/ function ReportViewer(clientID , toolbarID , waitControlID , reportCellID , previewFrameID , paramsCellID , errorControlID , errorLabelID , currentPageID , baseUrl , instanceID , zoomMode , zoomPercent , backgroundColor , popupPlaceholderID , calendarFrameID , documentMapCellID , resources , reportAreaID , splitterBarID , splitterTargetID , documentMapVisible , parametersAreaVisible , defaultPrintFormat , renderingSessionIDField) { this.clientID = clientID; this.toolbarID = toolbarID; this.waitControlID = waitControlID; this.reportCellID = reportCellID; this.reportFrameID = null; this.previewFrameID = previewFrameID; this.paramsCellID = paramsCellID; this.paramsFrameID = null; this.errorControlID = errorControlID; this.errorLabelID = errorLabelID; this.currentPageID = currentPageID; this.pageCount = 0; this.actionUrl = this.CreateUrl(baseUrl, instanceID, "Action"); this.historyUrl = this.CreateUrl(baseUrl, instanceID, "History"); this.reportPageUrl = this.CreateUrl(baseUrl, instanceID, "Report"); this.exportUrl = this.CreateUrl(baseUrl, instanceID, "Export"); this.basePrintUrl = this.CreateUrl(baseUrl, instanceID, "Print"); this.baseParamsUrl = this.CreateUrl(baseUrl, instanceID, "Parameters"); this.zoomMode = zoomMode; this.zoomPercent = zoomPercent; this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; this.printFormat = ""; this.pdfPrintEnabled = null; this.popupPlaceholderID = popupPlaceholderID; this.oldEditor = null; this.calendarFrameID = calendarFrameID; this.calendarFrameSrc = this.CreateUrl(baseUrl, instanceID, "Calendar"); this.resources = resources; this.reportTableId = this.clientID + "_ReportTable"; this.shouldAdjust = false; this.documentMapUrl = this.CreateUrl(baseUrl, instanceID, "DocumentMap"); this.documentMapCellID = documentMapCellID; this.documentMapID = null; this.reportAreaID = reportAreaID; this.splitter = new ReportViewer.Splitter(splitterBarID, splitterTargetID); this.documentMapVisible = documentMapVisible; this.documentMapAvailable = false; this.defaultPrintFormat = defaultPrintFormat; this.parametersAreaVisible = parametersAreaVisible; this.hasParameters = false; this.navigateBackEnabled = false; this.navigateForwardEnabled = false; this.instanceID = instanceID; this.onParamsLoadHandler = null; this.onReportLoadHandler = null; this.refreshDocumentMap = true; this.bookmarksOnPage = null; this.currentReportFramePath = ""; this.renderingSessionIDField = renderingSessionIDField; this.Init(); if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") > -1) { this.NavigateReportFrame("javascript:void(0);", null); } if (instanceID != "") { // Initial request for the report this.NavigateParametersFrame(this.baseParamsUrl); } } ReportViewer.prototype = ReportViewer; ReportViewer.prototype.EnsureRenderingSessionID = function() { var renderingSessionID = this.GetRenderingSessionID(); if (typeof(renderingSessionID) == 'undefined' || renderingSessionID == "") { this.CreateNewRenderingSessionID(); } } ReportViewer.prototype.set_HasParameters = function (value) { this.hasParameters = value; } ReportViewer.prototype.set_NavigateBackEnabled = function (value) { this.navigateBackEnabled = value; } ReportViewer.prototype.set_NavigateForwardEnabled = function (value) { this.navigateForwardEnabled = value; } ReportViewer.prototype.set_DocumentMapAvailable = function (value) { this.documentMapAvailable = value; } ReportViewer.prototype.CreateUrl = function (baseUrl, instanceID, opType) { if (instanceID != "") { return baseUrl + "?instanceID=" + instanceID + "&optype=" + opType; } return ""; }; ReportViewer.prototype.Init = function () { this.AttachOnClickEventHandler(); this.InitPreviewFrame(); this.InitToolbar(); }; ReportViewer.prototype.AttachOnClickEventHandler = function () { var body = document.body; if (body) { var viewer = this; var onclickEventHandler = function () { viewer.HideEditorPopup(); } if (body.attachEvent) { body.attachEvent("onclick", onclickEventHandler); } else if (body.addEventListener) { body.addEventListener("click", onclickEventHandler, false); } } } ReportViewer.prototype.NavigateReportFrame = function (src, anchor) { this.BeginWait(); var cell = document.getElementById(this.reportCellID); if (!this.reportFrameID) { this.reportFrameID = this.clientID + "ReportFrame"; var viewer = this; this.onReportLoadHandler = function () { viewer.OnReportLoaded(); }; } else { var oldFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); this.DetachOnLoadEventHandler(oldFrame, this.onReportLoadHandler); cell.removeChild(oldFrame); } src += "&RenderID=" + this.GetRenderingSessionID(); this.currentReportFramePath = src; if (anchor) { src += "#" + anchor; } var newFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); newFrame.id = this.reportFrameID; newFrame.frameBorder = 0; newFrame.width = "0px"; newFrame.height = "0px"; newFrame.src = src; newFrame.Viewer = this; this.AttachOnLoadEventHandler(newFrame, this.onReportLoadHandler); cell.appendChild(newFrame); } ReportViewer.prototype.AddBackgroundColorValue = function(src) { if (this.backgroundColor) { src += ("&bgColor=" + this.backgroundColor.replace("#", "_")); } return src; } ReportViewer.prototype.NavigateDocumentMap = function (src) { var cell = document.getElementById(this.documentMapCellID); if (!this.documentMapID) { this.documentMapID = this.clientID + "DocumentMapFrame"; } else { var oldFrame = document.getElementById(this.documentMapID); cell.removeChild(oldFrame); } var newFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); newFrame.id = this.documentMapID; newFrame.frameBorder = 0; newFrame.width = "100%"; newFrame.height = "100%"; newFrame.src = this.AddBackgroundColorValue(src); newFrame.ReportViewer = this; cell.appendChild(newFrame); } ReportViewer.prototype.DisplayError = function (errorMessage) { this.EndWait(); if (errorMessage) { this.Hide(this.reportFrameID); var toolbar = document.getElementById(this.toolbarID); if (toolbar) { toolbar.Enable(false); } this.Show(this.errorControlID); var errorLabel = document.getElementById(this.errorLabelID); errorLabel.innerHTML = errorMessage; } else { this.Hide(this.errorControlID); this.Show(this.reportFrameID); } } ReportViewer.prototype.Hide = function(elementId) { var element = document.getElementById(elementId); if (element) { element.style.display = "none"; } } ReportViewer.prototype.Show = function(elementId) { var element = document.getElementById(elementId); if (element) { element.style.display = ""; } } ReportViewer.prototype.GetError = function () { var paramsArea = document.getElementById(this.paramsFrameID); var msg = ""; if (paramsArea) { msg = paramsArea.contentWindow.ErrorMessage; } if (!msg) { var reportFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); if (reportFrame) { msg = reportFrame.contentWindow.ErrorMessage; } } return msg; } ReportViewer.prototype.NavigateParametersFrame = function (src) { this.BeginWait(); var cell = document.getElementById(this.paramsCellID); if (!this.paramsFrameID) { this.paramsFrameID = this.clientID + "ParametersArea"; var viewer = this; this.onParamsLoadHandler = function () { viewer.OnParametersLoaded(); }; } else { var oldFrame = document.getElementById(this.paramsFrameID); this.DetachOnLoadEventHandler(oldFrame, this.onParamsLoadHandler); cell.removeChild(oldFrame); } var newFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); newFrame.id = this.paramsFrameID; newFrame.align = "left"; newFrame.scrolling = "auto"; newFrame.frameBorder = 0; newFrame.width = "100%"; newFrame.height = "0px"; newFrame.src = this.AddBackgroundColorValue(src); newFrame.ReportViewer = this; this.AttachOnLoadEventHandler(newFrame, this.onParamsLoadHandler); cell.appendChild(newFrame); } ReportViewer.prototype.AttachOnLoadEventHandler = function (element, handler) { if (element.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent("onload", handler); } else if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener("load", handler, false); } } ReportViewer.prototype.DetachOnLoadEventHandler = function (element, handler) { if (element.detachEvent) { element.detachEvent("onload", handler); } else if (element.removeEventListener) { element.removeEventListener("load", handler, false); } } ReportViewer.prototype.InitPreviewFrame = function () { var previewFrame = document.getElementById(this.previewFrameID); var viewer = this; var onPrintLoadHandler = function () { viewer.OnPrintReportLoaded(); }; if (previewFrame.attachEvent) { previewFrame.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", onPrintLoadHandler); } else if (previewFrame.addEventListener) { previewFrame.addEventListener("load", onPrintLoadHandler, false); } } ReportViewer.prototype.InitToolbar = function () { var toolbar = document.getElementById(this.toolbarID); var viewer = this; if (toolbar) { toolbar.OnCommand = function (toolbarBtn) { viewer.OnToolbarCmd(toolbarBtn); }; toolbar.OnUpdateCommandState = function (toolbarBtn) { return viewer.OnToolbarUpdateCmdState(toolbarBtn); }; // Making the table cells unselectable. // This is done with javascript code because of the xHtml compliance. var cells = toolbar.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { if (cells[i].setAttribute) { cells[i].setAttribute("unselectable", "on"); } } toolbar.Enable(false); } } ReportViewer.prototype.OnPrintReportLoaded = function () { switch (this.printFormat) { case "HTML": case "PDF": { var previewFrame = document.getElementById(this.previewFrameID); if (previewFrame) { if (document.all) { if (previewFrame.readyState != "complete") return; } this.EnablePrintButton(true); } } } } ReportViewer.prototype.EnableRefreshButton = function(enabled) { var toolbar = document.getElementById(this.toolbarID); if (typeof(toolbar) != 'undefined' && toolbar) { var refreshBtn = toolbar.GetButtonByName("Refresh"); if (typeof(refreshBtn) != 'undefined' && refreshBtn) { refreshBtn.Enable(enabled); } } } ReportViewer.prototype.OnParametersLoaded = function () { var msg = this.GetError(); if (msg) { this.DisplayError(msg); this.EnableRefreshButton(true); } else { var paramsFrame = document.getElementById(this.paramsFrameID); if (paramsFrame) { var paramsPage = paramsFrame.contentWindow.ParametersPage; if (paramsPage) { paramsPage.Init(); this.UpdateParametersUI(); var error = ""; if (paramsPage.ValidateInitially()) { if ("init" == paramsPage.InitMode || "preview" == paramsPage.InitMode) { var refresh = ("preview" == paramsPage.InitMode); this.RefreshReportArea(refresh); } } else { error = "

" + this.GetString("ReportParametersInputDataError"); } if (error != "") { this.DisplayError(error); } } } } } ReportViewer.prototype.OnReportLoaded = function () { var msg = this.GetError(); this.DisplayError(msg); if (!msg) { var reportFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); var hash = reportFrame.contentWindow.document.location.hash; if (hash) { reportFrame.contentWindow.document.location.hash = hash; } if (this.refreshDocumentMap) { this.refreshDocumentMap = false; var url = this.documentMapUrl + "&rnd=" + new Date(); this.NavigateDocumentMap(url); } var toolbar = document.getElementById(this.toolbarID); var pageNumberButton = null; var pageInfo = reportFrame.contentWindow.PageInfo; if ((typeof (pageInfo) != "undefined") && (pageInfo.length > 0)) { this.pageCount = pageInfo[1]; if (toolbar) { pageNumberButton = toolbar.GetButtonByName("PageNumber"); if (pageNumberButton) { pageNumberButton.value = 1 + pageInfo[0]; pageNumberButton.SetPageCount(this.pageCount); } } this.StoreCurrentPageIndex(pageInfo[0]); } this.bookmarksOnPage = reportFrame.contentWindow.BookmarksOnPage; if (toolbar) { var paramsAreaBtn = toolbar.GetButtonByName("ParametersArea"); if (paramsAreaBtn) { if (paramsAreaBtn.Pressed != this.parametersAreaVisible) { paramsAreaBtn.ToggleState(); } } } this.EndWait(); if (pageNumberButton) { pageNumberButton.Enable(this.pageCount > 1); } if (this.backgroundColor) { var reportBody = reportFrame.contentWindow.document.getElementById('ReportBody'); if (reportBody) { reportBody.style.backgroundColor = this.backgroundColor; } } this.SetZoomInternal(toolbar); } if (hash) { reportFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); reportFrame.contentWindow.document.location.hash = hash; } } ReportViewer.prototype.get_Height = function () { var reportTable = document.getElementById(this.reportTableId); var lastRow = reportTable.rows[reportTable.rows.length - 1]; var oldDisplay = lastRow.style.display; lastRow.style.display = "none"; var viewer = document.getElementById(this.clientID); var clientHeight = viewer.clientHeight; lastRow.style.display = oldDisplay; return clientHeight; } ReportViewer.prototype.AdjustReportAreaHeightInternal = function () { var viewerHeight = this.get_Height(); var reportTable = document.getElementById(this.reportTableId); var lastRow = reportTable.rows[reportTable.rows.length - 1]; if (((viewerHeight > 0) && (viewerHeight == lastRow.offsetHeight)) || (this.shouldAdjust)) { this.shouldAdjust = true; var totalHeight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < reportTable.rows.length - 1; i++) { var row = reportTable.rows[i]; if (row.style.display != "none") { var preferredHeight = 0; var td = row.childNodes[0]; if (td.childNodes.length > 0) // has content { preferredHeight = td.childNodes[0].offsetHeight; } totalHeight += preferredHeight; row.style.height = preferredHeight + "px"; } } var newHeight = (viewerHeight - totalHeight) + "px"; lastRow.style.height = newHeight; lastRow.cells[0].style.height = newHeight; var errorControl = document.getElementById(this.errorControlID); errorControl.style.height = newHeight; } } ReportViewer.prototype.AdjustReportAreaHeight = function () { var viewer = this; window.setTimeout(function () { viewer.AdjustReportAreaHeightInternal(); } , 0); } ReportViewer.prototype.SetZoomInternal = function (toolbar) { var zoomValue = this.zoomPercent; var zoomMode = this.zoomMode; if ((typeof (toolbar) != "undefined") && (toolbar)) { var zoomControl = toolbar.GetButtonByName("Zoom"); if (zoomControl) { if (isNaN(zoomControl.value)) { zoomValue = 100; zoomMode = zoomControl.value; } else { zoomValue = parseInt(zoomControl.value); zoomMode = ZoomMode.Percent; } } } this.SetZoom(zoomMode, zoomValue); } ReportViewer.prototype.SetZoom = function (zoomMode, zoomPercent) { var reportFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); if (!reportFrame) return; var reportDiv = reportFrame.contentWindow.document.getElementById('ReportDiv'); if (!reportDiv) return; var reportTable = reportDiv.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0]; if (!reportTable) return; if (zoomMode == ZoomMode.Percent) { reportTable.style.zoom = zoomPercent + "%"; } else { reportTable.style.zoom = 1; var zoomValue = 1; if (zoomMode == ZoomMode.PageWidth) { var zoomHor1 = reportDiv.offsetWidth / reportTable.offsetWidth; var zoomHor2 = reportDiv.clientWidth / reportTable.offsetWidth; var zoomVer = reportDiv.offsetHeight / reportTable.offsetHeight; zoomValue = zoomHor1; if ((zoomHor2 < zoomVer) && (zoomVer < zoomHor1)) { zoomValue = zoomVer; } else { reportTable.style.zoom = zoomValue; if (reportTable.offsetHeight * zoomValue > reportDiv.offsetHeight) { zoomValue = reportDiv.clientWidth / reportTable.offsetWidth; } } } else if (zoomMode == ZoomMode.FullPage) { var zoomHor = reportFrame.offsetWidth / reportTable.offsetWidth; var zoomVer = reportFrame.offsetHeight / reportTable.offsetHeight; zoomValue = (zoomHor < zoomVer) ? zoomHor : zoomVer; } // If the viewer is initially hidden and // the zoom mode is FullPage or PageWidth then zoomValue is NaN. if (!isNaN(zoomValue)) { // reportFrame.style.zoom = zoomValue; reportTable.style.zoom = zoomValue; } } this.UpdateZoomUI(zoomMode, zoomPercent); } ReportViewer.prototype.UpdateZoomUI = function (zoomMode, zoomPercent) { var toolbar = document.getElementById(this.toolbarID); if (!toolbar) return; //toolbar is hidden var zoomControl = toolbar.GetButtonByName("Zoom"); if (!zoomControl) return; //zoomControl is hidden var itemIndex = this.GetOptionIndex(zoomControl, zoomMode, zoomPercent); if (-1 == itemIndex) { var item = document.createElement('option'); item.text = zoomPercent + "%"; item.value = zoomPercent; try { zoomControl.add(item, null); // standards compliant } catch (ex) { zoomControl.add(item); // IE only } itemIndex = zoomControl.length - 1; } if (zoomControl.selectedIndex != itemIndex) { zoomControl.selectedIndex = itemIndex; } } ReportViewer.prototype.GetOptionIndex = function (zoomControl, zoomMode, zoomPercent) { var searchValue = zoomPercent; if (ZoomMode.FullPage == zoomMode || ZoomMode.PageWidth == zoomMode) { searchValue = zoomMode; } for (i = 0; i < zoomControl.length; i++) { if (searchValue == zoomControl.options[i].value) { return i; } } return -1; } // Return false to disable the command; otherwise the command is enabled ReportViewer.prototype.OnToolbarUpdateCmdState = function (toolbarBtn) { switch (toolbarBtn.CommandName) { case "NavigateBack": return this.navigateBackEnabled; case "NavigateForward": return this.navigateForwardEnabled; case "Print": return this.OnUpdatePrintState(); case "FirstPage": return this.CanNavigateToPage(0); case "PrevPage": return this.CanNavigateToPage(this.GetCurrentPageIndex() - 1); case "NextPage": return this.CanNavigateToPage(this.GetCurrentPageIndex() + 1); case "LastPage": return this.CanNavigateToPage(this.pageCount - 1); case "PageNumber": return (this.pageCount > 0); case "Export": var formatList = toolbarBtn.Toolbar.GetButtonByName("FormatList"); var val = (null != formatList && formatList.selectedIndex != 0); return val; } }; ReportViewer.prototype.OnToolbarCmd = function (toolbarBtn) { switch (toolbarBtn.CommandName) { case "NavigateBack": this.NavigateToHistory(-1); break; case "NavigateForward": this.NavigateToHistory(1); break; case "Refresh": this.RefreshReport(); break; case "Print": this.OnPrint(); break; case "FirstPage": this.SetCurrentPageIndex(0); break; case "PrevPage": this.SetCurrentPageIndex(this.GetCurrentPageIndex() - 1); break; case "NextPage": this.SetCurrentPageIndex(this.GetCurrentPageIndex() + 1); break; case "LastPage": this.SetCurrentPageIndex(this.pageCount - 1); break; case "PageNumber": var pageIndex = parseInt(toolbarBtn.value) - 1; if (isNaN(pageIndex) || (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= this.pageCount)) { alert("Please, select page between 1-" + this.pageCount); //TODO: localize toolbarBtn.focus(); toolbarBtn.select(); } else { this.SetCurrentPageIndex(pageIndex); } break; case "Export": var formatList = toolbarBtn.Toolbar.GetButtonByName("FormatList"); var exportFormat = formatList.value; this.ExportInternal(exportFormat, this.GetCurrentPageIndex()); break; case "Zoom": this.SetZoomInternal(toolbarBtn.Toolbar); break; case "ParametersArea": this.parametersAreaVisible = !this.parametersAreaVisible; this.UpdateParametersUI(toolbarBtn); break; case "DocumentMap": this.splitter.toggleVisibility(); break; } }; ReportViewer.prototype.SetCurrentPageIndex = function (pageIndex, anchor) { if (this.reportPageUrl) { var currentPageIndex = this.GetCurrentPageIndex(); if ((this.reportFrameID) && currentPageIndex == pageIndex) { var reportFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); if (anchor) { reportFrame.src = this.currentReportFramePath + "#" + anchor; } } else { this.NavigateReportFrame(this.reportPageUrl + "&PageIndex=" + pageIndex, anchor); } } } ReportViewer.prototype.StoreCurrentPageIndex = function (pageIndex) { var input = document.getElementById(this.currentPageID); if (input) { input.value = pageIndex; } } ReportViewer.prototype.GetCurrentPageIndex = function () { var index = -1; var input = document.getElementById(this.currentPageID); if (input) { index = parseInt(input.value); if (isNaN(index)) { index = -1; } } return index; // page index is 0-base; -1 - invalid page index }; ReportViewer.prototype.SetRenderingSessionID = function (renderingSessionID) { var input = document.getElementById(this.renderingSessionIDField); if (input) { input.value = renderingSessionID; } } ReportViewer.prototype.GetRenderingSessionID = function () { var input = document.getElementById(this.renderingSessionIDField); if (input) { return input.value; } return ""; }; ReportViewer.prototype.get_CurrentPage = function () { return this.GetCurrentPageIndex() + 1; } ReportViewer.prototype.set_CurrentPage = function (pageNumber) { this.SetCurrentPageIndex(pageNumber - 1); } ReportViewer.prototype.get_TotalPages = function () { return this.pageCount; } ReportViewer.prototype.CanMoveToPage = function (pageNumber) { return this.CanNavigateToPage(pageNumber - 1); } ReportViewer.prototype.CanNavigateToPage = function (pageIndex) { var currentPageIndex = this.GetCurrentPageIndex(pageIndex); return (0 <= pageIndex && pageIndex < this.pageCount && pageIndex != currentPageIndex); }; ReportViewer.prototype.ExportReport = function (format) { this.ExportInternal(format); }; ReportViewer.prototype.ExportInternal = function (format) { if (this.exportUrl) { window.open(this.exportUrl + "&ExportFormat=" + format, "_self"); } }; ReportViewer.prototype.RefreshReport = function() { this.NavigateParametersFrame(this.baseParamsUrl + "&Refresh=true"); } ReportViewer.prototype.CreateNewRenderingSessionID = function() { this.SetRenderingSessionID(GenerateGUID()); } ReportViewer.prototype.OnUpdatePrintState = function () { return true; var reportFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); if (!reportFrame) return false; var wnd = reportFrame.contentWindow; try { return wnd.document.queryCommandSupported("print"); } catch (ex) { if (!document.all && wnd.print) { return true; } } return false; }; ReportViewer.prototype.CanEnablePrintButton = function () { // Under Opera and Safari the print button cannot be enabled. var agent = navigator.userAgent; if (agent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) return false; if (agent.indexOf("Safari") != -1) return false; return true; }; ReportViewer.prototype.PrintAs = function (pf) { try { this.printFormat = pf; switch (this.printFormat) { case "PDF": case "HTML": { var previewFrameID = this.previewFrameID; var previewFrame = document.getElementById(previewFrameID); if (previewFrame) { var printUrl = this.CreatePrintReportUrl(this.printFormat); if (this.CanEnablePrintButton()) { this.EnablePrintButton(false); } previewFrame.src = printUrl; } break; } case "Default": { if (this.CanEnablePrintButton()) { var reportFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); if (reportFrame) { var wnd = reportFrame.contentWindow; if (document.all) { wnd.document.execCommand("print", true, null); } else if (wnd.print) { wnd.print(); } } } else { alert("Unable to perform the Print operation."); } } } } catch (ex) { alert("Error printing the report:\n\n" + ex); } } ReportViewer.prototype.EnablePrintButton = function (enable) { var toolbar = document.getElementById(this.toolbarID); if (toolbar) { var btn = toolbar.GetButtonByName("Print"); if (btn) { btn.Enable(enable); } } } ReportViewer.prototype.DefaultPrint = function () { this.PrintAs("Default"); } ReportViewer.prototype.CreatePrintReportUrl = function (printFormat) { var date = new Date().getTime(); var printUrl = this.basePrintUrl + "&format=" + printFormat + "&rand=" + date; return printUrl; } ReportViewer.prototype.GetIEPlugin = function (classid) { var result = null; try { result = new ActiveXObject(classid); } catch (ex) { } return result; } ReportViewer.prototype.DetectIEPDFPlugin = function () { return this.GetIEPlugin("PDF.PdfCtrl.5") || this.GetIEPlugin("PDF.PdfCtrl.6") || this.GetIEPlugin("AcroPDF.PDF.1"); } ReportViewer.prototype.DetectFFPDFPlugin = function () { var pdfPlugins = navigator.mimeTypes["application/pdf"]; var pdfPlugin = pdfPlugins != null ? pdfPlugins.enabledPlugin : null; return ((pdfPlugin) && (pdfPlugin.description.indexOf("Adobe") != -1) && ((pdfPlugin.description.indexOf("Version") == -1 || parseFloat(pdfPlugin.description.split("Version")[1]) >= 6)) ); } ReportViewer.prototype.IsPdfPrintEnabled = function () { if (this.pdfPrintEnabled == null) { this.pdfPrintEnabled = this.DetectIEPDFPlugin() || this.DetectFFPDFPlugin(); } return this.pdfPrintEnabled; }; ReportViewer.prototype.PrintReport = function () { switch (this.defaultPrintFormat) { case "Default": this.DefaultPrint(); break; case "PDF": this.PrintAs(this.IsPdfPrintEnabled() ? "PDF" : "Default"); break; } }; ReportViewer.prototype.OnPrint = function () { this.PrintReport(); }; ReportViewer.prototype.BeginWait = function () { this.Wait(true); }; ReportViewer.prototype.EndWait = function () { this.Wait(false); }; ReportViewer.prototype.Wait = function (wait) { var waitControl = document.getElementById(this.waitControlID); if (waitControl) { waitControl.style.display = (wait && this.instanceID != "") ? "" : "none"; } var reportFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); if (reportFrame) { // reportFrame.style.display = wait ? "none" : ""; reportFrame.style.width = wait ? "0px" : "100%"; reportFrame.style.height = wait ? "0px" : "100%"; } var errorControl = document.getElementById(this.errorControlID); if (errorControl && wait) { errorControl.style.display = "none"; } var toolbar = document.getElementById(this.toolbarID); if (toolbar) { toolbar.Enable((!wait) && (this.instanceID != "")); } }; ReportViewer.prototype.RefreshReportArea = function (refresh) { var pageIndex = this.GetCurrentPageIndex(); var url = this.reportPageUrl + "&PageIndex="; if (refresh || pageIndex < 0) { this.documentMapAvailable = false; this.UpdateDocumentMapUI(); this.refreshDocumentMap = true; this.CreateNewRenderingSessionID(); pageIndex = 0; } else { this.EnsureRenderingSessionID(); } this.NavigateReportFrame(url + pageIndex, null); } //toolbarButton is an optional parameter ReportViewer.prototype.UpdateParametersUI = function (toolbarButton) { var showButton = this.hasParameters; var showArea = this.parametersAreaVisible && this.hasParameters; var paramsFrame = document.getElementById(this.paramsFrameID); if (!paramsFrame) { return; } this.ShowParametersArea(paramsFrame, showArea); this.ShowParametersButton(toolbarButton, showButton, showArea) this.AdjustReportAreaHeight(); } ReportViewer.prototype.ShowParametersArea = function (paramsFrame, showArea) { if (!paramsFrame) { paramsFrame = document.getElementById(this.paramsFrameID); if (!paramsFrame) { return; } } var display = this.VisibilityToDisplayStyle(showArea); paramsFrame.style.display = display; var parent = paramsFrame.parentNode; while (null != parent) { if (parent.tagName.toUpperCase() == "TD") { parent.style.display = ""; parent.style.height = "26px"; parent.style.display = display; } else if (parent.tagName.toUpperCase() == "TR") { parent.style.display = ""; parent.style.height = "26px"; parent.style.display = display; break; } parent = parent.parentNode; } if (showArea) { var paramsPage = paramsFrame.contentWindow.ParametersPage; if (paramsPage) { paramsPage.ResizeFrame(); } } } ReportViewer.prototype.ShowParametersButton = function (toolbarButton, showButton, showArea) { //if toolbarButton is not passed, resolve it if (!toolbarButton) { var toolbar = document.getElementById(this.toolbarID); if (toolbar) { toolbarButton = toolbar.GetButtonByName("ParametersArea"); } if (!toolbarButton) { return; } } var display = this.VisibilityToDisplayStyle(showButton); if (toolbarButton.style.display != display) { toolbarButton.style.display = display; toolbarButton.Pressed = showArea; toolbarButton.onmouseout(); //refresh the Pressed state; var inputs = toolbarButton.getElementsByTagName("input"); if ((inputs) && (inputs.length > 1)) { var tooltip = inputs[0].value; var imageButton = inputs[1]; var tooltips = tooltip.split("|"); imageButton.title = showArea ? tooltips[0] : tooltips[1]; } } } ReportViewer.prototype.VisibilityToDisplayStyle = function (show) { var displayStyle = ""; if (false == show) { displayStyle = "none"; } return displayStyle; } ReportViewer.prototype.ShowCalendar = function (dateTimeEditor, location) { var frameSrc = this.calendarFrameSrc + "&SelectedDate=" + dateTimeEditor.GetValue(); var calendarFrame = document.getElementById(this.calendarFrameID); if (calendarFrame) { if ("none" == calendarFrame.style.display) { calendarFrame.style.display = ""; calendarFrame.style.left = "-500px"; calendarFrame.style.top = "-500px"; } if (calendarFrame.offsetTop < 0) { var paramFrame = document.getElementById(this.paramsFrameID); if (paramFrame) { var frameLocation = GetAbsolutePosition(paramFrame); var calendarFrameLocation = GetAbsolutePosition(calendarFrame.offsetParent); calendarFrame.style.left = FormatDimension(location.Left + frameLocation.Left - calendarFrameLocation.Left); calendarFrame.style.top = FormatDimension(location.Top + frameLocation.Top - calendarFrameLocation.Top); calendarFrame.ReportViewer = this; this.dateTimeEditor = dateTimeEditor; calendarFrame.src = frameSrc; } } else { calendarFrame.style.left = "-500px"; calendarFrame.style.top = "-500px"; } } } ReportViewer.prototype.UpdateDate = function (selectedDate) { if (this.dateTimeEditor) { this.dateTimeEditor.UpdateDate(selectedDate); } var calendarFrame = document.getElementById(this.calendarFrameID); if (calendarFrame) { calendarFrame.style.display = "none"; } } ReportViewer.prototype.NavigateToHistory = function (step) { var url = this.historyUrl + "&Step=" + step + "&rnd=" + new Date(); this.NavigateParametersFrame(url); } ReportViewer.prototype.NavigateToReport = function (reportAddress) { var url = this.actionUrl + "&Type=Report&Value=" + reportAddress + "&PageIndex=" + this.GetCurrentPageIndex(); this.NavigateParametersFrame(url); } ReportViewer.prototype.NavigateToBookmark = function (bookmarkId) { if ((this.reportFrameID) && (this.bookmarksOnPage)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.bookmarksOnPage.length; i++) { if (bookmarkId == this.bookmarksOnPage[i]) { var reportFrame = document.getElementById(this.reportFrameID); reportFrame.src = this.currentReportFramePath + "#" + bookmarkId; return; } } } // var currentPageIndex = this.GetCurrentPageIndex(); // TODO: optimize var url = this.actionUrl + "&Type=Bookmark&Value=" + bookmarkId; this.NavigateReportFrame(url, bookmarkId); } ReportViewer.prototype.Navigate = function (pageNumber, anchor) { this.SetCurrentPageIndex(pageNumber - 1, anchor); } ReportViewer.prototype.UpdateDocumentMapUI = function () { var showDocumentMap = this.documentMapVisible && this.documentMapAvailable; var showDocumentMapButton = this.documentMapAvailable; var toolbar = document.getElementById(this.toolbarID); if (toolbar) { var documentMapButton = toolbar.GetButtonByName("DocumentMap"); if (documentMapButton) { if (showDocumentMapButton) { if (!documentMapButton.Pressed) { documentMapButton.ToggleState(); } documentMapButton.Show(); } else { documentMapButton.Hide(); } } } if (showDocumentMap) { this.splitter.show(); } else { this.splitter.hide(); } } ReportViewer.prototype.GetString = function (keyName) { return eval('this.resources.' + keyName); } /********************************** * * ReportToolbar * **********************************/ function ReportToolbar(id, arrButtons) { var toolBar = document.getElementById(id); if (toolBar) { toolBar.Buttons = arrButtons; // Methods toolBar.Init = ReportToolbar_Init; toolBar.Enable = ReportToolbar_Enable; toolBar.GetButton = ReportToolbar_GetButton; toolBar.GetButtonByName = ReportToolbar_GetButtonByName; toolBar.OnCommand = ReportToolbar_OnCommand; toolBar.OnUpdateCommandState = ReportToolbar_OnUpdateCommandState; toolBar.ExportFormatChanged = ReportToolbar_ExportFormatChanged; toolBar.ZoomChanged = ReportToolbar_ZoomChanged; toolBar.Init(); } } function ReportToolbar_ShowButton(buttonName) { var btn = this.GetButtonByName(buttonName); if (btn) { btn.style.visibility = "visible"; } } function ReportToolbar_HideButton(buttonName) { var btn = this.GetButtonByName(buttonName); if (btn) { btn.style.visibility = "hidden"; } } function ReportToolbar_Init() { var btn = null; for (var i = 0; i < this.Buttons.length; i++) { btn = this.GetButton(this.Buttons[i]); if (btn) { btn.Toolbar = this; } } } function ReportToolbar_Enable(enabled) { enabled = (false != enabled); var btn = null; for (var i = 0; i < this.Buttons.length; i++) { btn = this.GetButton(this.Buttons[i]); if (btn && btn.Enable) { btn.Enable(enabled && (false != this.OnUpdateCommandState(btn))); } } } function ReportToolbar_GetButton(id) { var btn = document.getElementById(id); if (!btn) { alert("Button " + id + " not found"); } return btn; } function ReportToolbar_GetButtonByName(commandName) { var btn = null; for (var i = 0; i < this.Buttons.length; i++) { btn = this.GetButton(this.Buttons[i]); if (btn && btn.CommandName == commandName) { return btn; } } return null; } function ReportToolbar_UpdateButtons() { var btn = null; for (var i = 0; i < this.Buttons.length; i++) { btn = this.GetButton(this.Buttons[i]); if (btn) { this.OnUpdateState(btn); } } } function ReportToolbar_OnUpdateCommandState(toolbarButton) { alert("OnUpdateCommandState: " + toolbarButton.CommandName); return true; } function ReportToolbar_OnCommand(toolbarButton) { alert("OnCommand: " + toolbarButton.CommandName); } function ReportToolbar_ExportFormatChanged(formatList) { var enable = (formatList.selectedIndex != 0); var btn = this.GetButtonByName("Export"); if (btn) { btn.Enable(enable); } return enable; } function ReportToolbar_ZoomChanged(zoomSelect) { return true; } /********************************** * * ToolbarButton * **********************************/ function ToolbarButton(id, commandName, enabled, enableStyle, disableStyle) { var btn = document.getElementById(id); if (btn) { btn.CommandName = commandName; if (enableStyle.length > 0) { btn.EnableStyle = enableStyle; } if (disableStyle.length > 0) { btn.DisableStyle = disableStyle; } btn.Enable = ToolbarButton_Enable; btn.Exec = ToolbarButton_Exec; btn.Show = ToolbarButton_Show; btn.Hide = ToolbarButton_Hide; btn.Enable(true); return btn; } return null; } function ToolbarButton_Show() { this.style.visibility = "visible"; } function ToolbarButton_Hide() { this.style.visibility = "hidden"; } function ToolbarButton_Enable(enabled) { this.Enabled = (false != enabled); if (typeof (this.EnableStyle) != "undefined") { this.className = enabled ? this.EnableStyle : this.DisableStyle; } this.disabled = enabled ? "" : "disabled"; } function ToolbarButton_Exec() { if (this.Enabled && this.Toolbar) { this.Toolbar.OnCommand(this); } } /********************************** * * ToolbarImageButton * **********************************/ function ToolbarImageButton(id , commandName , enabled , enabledStyle , disabledStyle , buttonStyle , pressed) { var btn = ToolbarButton(id, commandName, enabled, enabledStyle, disabledStyle); if (btn) { // Properties btn.ButtonStyle = buttonStyle; // true: toggle button; false: push button btn.Pressed = ("ToggleButton" == buttonStyle) ? pressed : false; // events btn.onclick = ToolbarImageButton_Click; btn.onmouseover = ToolbarImageButton_MouseOver; btn.onmouseout = ToolbarImageButton_MouseOut; btn.ToggleState = ToolbarImageButton_ToggleState; } } function ToolbarImageButton_ToggleState(e) { if (!e) { e = window.event; } CancelEvent(e); if (!this.Enabled) return; if ("ToggleButton" == this.ButtonStyle) { this.Pressed = !this.Pressed; this.EnableStyle = (this.Pressed) ? "PressedButton" : "NormalButton"; this.className = this.EnableStyle; } var inputs = this.getElementsByTagName("input"); if ((inputs) && (inputs.length > 1)) { var tooltip = inputs[0].value; var imageButton = inputs[1]; var tooltips = tooltip.split("|"); if (tooltips.length > 1) { imageButton.title = (this.Pressed) ? tooltips[0] : tooltips[1]; } } } function ToolbarImageButton_Click(e) { this.ToggleState(e); this.onmouseover(); this.Exec(); } function ToolbarImageButton_MouseOver() { if (this.Enabled) { this.className = this.Pressed ? "HoverPressedButton" : "HoverButton"; } } function ToolbarImageButton_MouseOut() { if (this.Enabled) { this.className = this.EnableStyle; } } /********************************** * * ReportPageNumberTextBox * **********************************/ function ReportPageNumberTextBox(id, commandName, enabled, enabledStyle, disabledStyle, pageCountLabelID) { var btn = ToolbarButton(id, commandName, enabled, enabledStyle, disabledStyle); if (btn) { btn.PageCountLabelID = pageCountLabelID; btn.SetPageCount = ReportPageNumberTextBox_SetPageCount; // Events btn.onkeypress = ReportPageNumberTextBox_KeyPress; } } function ReportPageNumberTextBox_SetPageCount(pageCount) { var o = document.getElementById(this.PageCountLabelID); if (o) { o.innerHTML = (pageCount > 0) ? pageCount : " -- "; } } function ReportPageNumberTextBox_KeyPress(e) { if (!e) { e = window.event; } if (e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13) { try { this.Exec(); } catch (ex) { } CancelEvent(e); } } /********************************** * * ReportTextButton * **********************************/ function ReportTextButton(id, commandName, enabled, enabledStyle, disabledStyle) { var btn = ToolbarButton(id, commandName, enabled, enabledStyle, disabledStyle); if (btn) { // events btn.onclick = ReportTextButton_Click; } } function ReportTextButton_Click(e) { if (!e) { e = window.event; } CancelEvent(e); if (this.Enabled) { this.Exec(); } } /********************************** * * ExportFormatButton * **********************************/ function ExportFormatButton(id, commandName, enabled, enabledStyle, disabledStyle) { var btn = ToolbarButton(id, commandName, enabled, enabledStyle, disabledStyle); if (btn) { // events btn.onchange = function () { this.Toolbar.ExportFormatChanged(this); }; } } /********************************** * * ZoomButton * **********************************/ function ZoomButton(id, commandName, enabled, enabledStyle, disabledStyle) { var btn = ToolbarButton(id, commandName, enabled, enabledStyle, disabledStyle); if (btn) { // events btn.onchange = ReportTextButton_Click; } } /********************************** * * ZoomMode * **********************************/ function ZoomMode(name) { this.name = name; } ZoomMode.prototype.toString = function () { return this.name; }; ZoomMode.FullPage = new ZoomMode("FullPage"); ZoomMode.PageWidth = new ZoomMode("PageWidth"); ZoomMode.Percent = new ZoomMode("Percent"); /********************************** * * Global functions * **********************************/ function CancelEvent(e) { if (e) { e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } } } ReportViewer.prototype.HideEditorPopup = function () { if (this.oldEditor) { var popupPlaceholder = document.getElementById(this.popupPlaceholderID); if (this.oldEditor.GetPopupEditorValue) { this.oldEditor.GetPopupEditorValue(popupPlaceholder); } popupPlaceholder.innerHTML = ""; popupPlaceholder.style.display = "none"; this.oldEditor = null; } var calendarFrame = document.getElementById(this.calendarFrameID); if (calendarFrame) { calendarFrame.style.display = "none"; } } ReportViewer.prototype.ShowEditorPopup = function (valueEditor, rectangle) { var popupPlaceholder = document.getElementById(this.popupPlaceholderID); if ((valueEditor) && (popupPlaceholder)) { var editor = valueEditor.GetPopupEditor(); popupPlaceholder.innerHTML = editor.innerHTML; if (valueEditor.UpdateState) { valueEditor.UpdateState(popupPlaceholder); } if ("none" == popupPlaceholder.style.display) { popupPlaceholder.style.top = "-500px"; popupPlaceholder.style.left = "-500px"; popupPlaceholder.style.display = ""; } var paramFrame = document.getElementById(this.paramsFrameID); var frameLocation = GetAbsolutePosition(paramFrame); var popupPlaceHolderLocation = GetAbsolutePosition(popupPlaceholder.offsetParent); var absoluteTop = frameLocation.Top + rectangle.Top - popupPlaceHolderLocation.Top; var absoluteLeft = frameLocation.Left + rectangle.Left - popupPlaceHolderLocation.Left; popupPlaceholder.style.top = FormatDimension(absoluteTop); popupPlaceholder.style.left = FormatDimension(absoluteLeft); popupPlaceholder.style.width = FormatDimension(rectangle.Width); popupPlaceholder.style.height = FormatDimension(rectangle.Height); popupPlaceholder.style.backgroundColor = editor.style.backgroundColor; popupPlaceholder.style.borderColor = editor.style.borderColor; popupPlaceholder.style.borderWidth = editor.style.borderWidth; popupPlaceholder.style.borderStyle = editor.style.borderStyle; popupPlaceholder.style.position = "absolute"; popupPlaceholder.style.display = ""; this.oldEditor = valueEditor; var textAreas = popupPlaceholder.getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA"); if (textAreas.length > 0) { var textArea = textAreas[0]; if (textArea) { var divWidth = popupPlaceholder.offsetWidth; textArea.style.width = divWidth; var currentWidth = divWidth; while (textArea.offsetWidth > divWidth) { currentWidth--; textArea.style.width = currentWidth + "px"; } } } } } /********************************/ /* ReportViewer.Splitter */ /********************************/ ReportViewer.Splitter = function (splitterBarID, resizeTargetID) { this.splitterBar = document.getElementById(splitterBarID); this.resizeTarget = document.getElementById(resizeTargetID); this.defaultTargetWidth = 200; this.state = "expanded"; this.initialize(); } ReportViewer.Splitter.prototype = { initialize: function () { this.isResizing = false; this.width = this.get_Width(); this.splitterBar.style.zIndex = 5000; this.splitterBar.style.cursor = "e-resize"; this.isVisible = true; this.attachEvents(); }, toggleVisibility: function () { if (this.isVisible) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(); } }, show: function () { this.splitterBar.style.display = ""; var width = (typeof (this.targetWidth) != "undefined") ? this.targetWidth : this.defaultTargetWidth; this.resizeTarget.style.width = width + "px"; this.isVisible = true; }, hide: function () { this.resizeTarget.style.width = "1px"; this.splitterBar.style.display = "none"; this.isVisible = false; }, expand: function () { var width = (typeof (this.targetWidth) != "undefined") ? this.targetWidth : this.defaultTargetWidth; this.resizeTarget.style.width = width + "px"; this.state = "expanded"; }, collapse: function () { this.resizeTarget.style.width = "1px"; this.state = "collapsed"; }, get_Width: function () { var displayState = this.splitterBar.style.display; this.splitterBar.style.display = ""; var width = this.splitterBar.offsetWidth; this.splitterBar.style.display = displayState; return width; }, attachEvents: function () { var splitter = this; // Mouse DOWN this.splitterBar.onmousedown = function () { splitter.onmousedown(); }; // Mouse UP this.splitterBar.onmouseup = function () { splitter.onmouseup(); }; // Mouse OVER this.splitterBar.onmouseover = function () { splitter.onmouseover(); }; // Mouse OUT this.splitterBar.onmouseout = function () { splitter.onmouseout(); }; this.splitterBar.ondblclick = function () { splitter.ondblclick(); } }, ondblclick: function () { switch (this.state) { case "expanded": this.collapse(); break; case "collapsed": this.expand(); break; } }, onmousedown: function () { this.configure(); this.isResizing = true; if (this.splitterBar.setCapture) this.splitterBar.setCapture(); else this.hideIFrames(); this.oldMouseMoveHandler = document.onmousemove; this.oldMouseUpHandler = document.onmouseup; var splitter = this; document.onmousemove = function (e) { splitter.onmousemove(e); }; document.onmouseup = function () { splitter.onmouseup(); }; }, onmouseup: function () { document.onmousemove = this.oldMouseMoveHandler; document.onmouseup = this.oldMouseUpHandler; if (document.releaseCapture) document.releaseCapture(); else this.showIFrames(); this.isResizing = false; }, onmouseover: function () { if (!this.isResizing) { this.splitterBar.style.backgroundPosition = "-4px 0px"; } }, onmouseout: function () { if (!this.isResizing) { this.splitterBar.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px"; } }, onmousemove: function (evnt) { evnt = evnt ? evnt : event; if (evnt && this.isResizing) { evnt.cancelBubble = true; evnt.returnValue = false; var x = (evnt.pageX) ? evnt.pageX : evnt.clientX; var scrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft; x = x + scrollLeft - this.width / 2; var minX = this.offsetLeft + this.width; var maxX = minX + this.maxWidth - this.width; if ((minX == 0 || x >= minX) && (maxX == 0 || x <= maxX)) { this.splitterBar.style.left = x + "px"; var targetWidth = x - this.offsetLeft; targetWidth -= GetInt(this.resizeTarget.style.borderLeftWidth); targetWidth -= GetInt(this.resizeTarget.style.borderRightWidth); if (targetWidth < 1) { targetWidth = 1; } this.resizeTarget.style.width = targetWidth + "px"; this.targetWidth = targetWidth; } } }, configure: function () { this.splitterBar.style.margin = "0px"; this.splitterBar.style.padding = "0px"; var offsetParent = this.resizeTarget.offsetParent; this.maxWidth = offsetParent.offsetWidth; this.maxWidth -= GetInt(offsetParent.style.borderLeftWidth); this.maxWidth -= GetInt(offsetParent.style.borderRightWidth); this.maxWidth -= GetInt(this.splitterBar.offsetWidth); this.maxWidth -= GetInt(this.splitterBar.style.borderLeftWidth); this.maxWidth -= GetInt(this.splitterBar.style.borderRightWidth); this.offsetLeft = GetAbsolutePosition(this.resizeTarget).Left; }, hideIFrames: function () { this.showIFrames(); this.iframes = this.resizeTarget.offsetParent.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); this.iframeStates = []; if (this.iframes) { for (var i = 0; i < this.iframes.length; i++) { var iframe = this.iframes[i]; if (iframe) { this.iframeStates[i] = iframe.style.visibility; iframe.style.visibility = "hidden"; } } } }, showIFrames: function () { if (this.iframes && this.iframeStates) { for (var i = 0; i < this.iframes.length; i++) { this.iframes[i].style.visibility = this.iframeStates[i]; } this.iframes = null; this.iframeStates = null; } } } /* * * * * * * * * * */ /* Helpers */ /* * * * * * * * * * */ function GetAbsolutePosition(element) { var x = element.offsetLeft; var y = element.offsetTop; element = element.offsetParent; while (null != element) { x += element.offsetLeft + element.clientLeft; y += element.offsetTop + element.clientTop; element = element.offsetParent; } return { Left: x, Top: y }; } function GetInt(value) { if (value) { var result = parseInt(value); return (isNaN(result)) ? 0 : result; } return 0; } function FormatDimension(dimension) { var dim = dimension.toString(); if ((dim.length > 0) && (dim.indexOf("px") == -1)) { return dim + "px"; 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